Monday, January 10, 2011

All About ME!

¡Hola! I'm Kirsten.

I'm seventeen years young and a senior in high school. English is my favorite subject and pretty much always has been. I don't really like school—or rather, I don't like homework. I'll be the first to admit, I'm very lazy. I have many Cs on my transcript, and most associate that with being an "average" student, but that's not my case. I'm smart, I just don't care for homework, and I don't work well with deadlines. (No offense, Mr. Tovar. This assignment is alright.)

On to other things... I have one sister. Her name is Courtney and she's a cosmetologist. I live with her and mi madre. Oh, and my shih tzu, Tawnee. She's even lazier than I am.

I recently got a new car! A 2011 Kia Soul. I've been asking for one for roughly a billion years, and finally, my aunt bought me one. The only downside: when I graduate school, I have to take over the payment. It's alright though, I guess. At least I have my own ride now, right? It'll be all mine in just five short years...

Let's see... I don't play sports because I'm horrible at them. I tried basketball and softball in elementary school, but I rarely showed up for practice. I really only joined because I wanted to wear the uniform to school on Fridays.

Anthony and I have known each other since we were nine. We actaully met in a rather gross way. He spat on me and my friend-at-the-time... Yeah, pretty gross. But now we're biffs, so it's all good.

Umm, what else? I'm really not that interesting, Mr. Tovar, so I'll leave you with those weird snippets of my life.

Also, is writing a blog like writing a letter? I'm not really sure about how to end this, so, um... Later!

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