Thursday, March 17, 2011


1. By creating a colorful snake that would catch a child's eye.
2. I think it's pretty effective at creating a positive mood. The background is light blue, and the snake is brightly colored. It brings in positivity.

1. It's humorous. People love humor. I would buy the vegetable chopper, even if I didn't need it, just because this ad is awesome.
2. I don't feel like this ad was very effective at creating a "mood" per se, but if I had to pull a mood from it, I guess I could see amused and also terrified.

1. By showing their car in ready-to-go position, it draws the viewer in, making them want a car like this one.
2. It's relatively effective in making me feel like I want to drive. Like, really fast. It's not really a mood, but that's what I get from this.

1. It's not really convincing me to go out and buy some pork for dinner, that's for sure.
2. It's effective at making me feel completely opposite of what they're trying to say. "Don't let food make you feel bad," just makes me feel bad. I mean, look at face!

1. It makes me want to buy the product because I never have full bars with AT&T. So, why not get them from an energy drink?
2. Pretty effective at making me feel excited (who doesn't love energy drinks?!), and yet depressed (you know, the inevitable crash later) at the same time.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Vibrance, Brightness, Curves
Hue, Brightness, Selective Color
Exposure, Vibrance, Curves

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Color Replacement

Last Name

P - Drawing of a human heart. I love to draw.
A - Looking through the peephole of the door into the front yard of the house I grew up in. 
Y - My white Vans. They're my favorite pair of shoes.
T - My dog Tawnee wearing a hillbilly mustache. ;{)
O - Last year's pumpkin. Halloween is my favorite holiday. 
N - Pyramid Lake. Whenever I see it, I know I'm close to arriving at my grandparent's house. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011